Thursday, April 29, 2010

my name

on a post on My Name is Not King, bella told what her name meant and how she got that name [which is a really cool story, btw], then asked what other people's names meant. here is my comment~

my full name is Katherine, but i go by Katie and usually sign it just Kt. My middle name is Rae, my Aunt's middle name (which she goes by) and that name, while it is fitting, has not brought me 'great joy'. although i do get my singing voice from her ( i LOVE to sing too!), i also got my gracelessness (probably not a word, but...) from her. this is why both my brother and my mom say that i'm 'grace in training.' and then my brother adds that i'm never gonna get out ;]

then afterwards

btw~ Katie and Katherine both mean PURE, which I think is cool ;]

all-american girl

all-american girl music video by carrie underwood

new haircut

from this............................

to this...........and this...........and this.....,.......which eventually led to this picture of me looking dramatically off into the far distance because i was bored ;]

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010


i need help. i can't figure out what to do with this rectangle i knitted. it's 38'' by 14'' and it's white and really soft, but it's light so i couldn't make a bag or anything out of it. :/ i don't know what to do!! help!


so my family's coming for easter and i'm SOO super excited!!!! YAY!!! does anyone else have family coming for the weekend? you going anywhere? hope you have a good time if you are!!