So, when you look at the little blurb on the left of my homepage, you should see the 'a little bit you should know about me...' blurb [ I like the word 'blurb', so I'm going to use it a lot], and if you took the time to read the blurb, you should have seen, on said blurb, the part about me wanting to become an authoress [you probably also read the word 'aspire', crinkled your nose in confusion, and went to look it up on For those of you who have not gotten that far yet, it means to strive for something, you put two-and-two together and use it in the sentence]. Yes I want to become an authoress {and yes mother, there is such a word! I looked it up! Female author!}
I read an insane amount, love to come up with stories, love to read or hear stories {and yes, I am a fan of wishbone}. I love literature and some of my favorite books are little women, aunt hill, rose in bloom, jane eyre, johnny tremain, the witch of blackbird pond, left behind: the young trib force, the shadowside trilogy, red rock mysteries, and danger overseas. those are at the very top of my list, VERY good books!
I love to write and have about 1,000 stories started at the moment, each with a sum total of 1 to 2 pages with 2 exceptions. My mom says i have craft ADD~ she's right; but guess where i get it from?
I'll give you more on my career as I go, because as of now, that's about as much as I have to go on!
Alright, i'm not sure when i first published this post, but it's been a while, so my writing style has changes a lot, and I've read different books too. Currently I'm on the Anne of Green Gables series, and i like it a lot. I am currently on the fourth book. I have four stories going at the moment, but I don't want to put the names up for two reasons: one, I don't want anyone to take them, and two, I don't have a name for my main one yet. ;] I'll let you know more on my "career" as i called it, later. I may even post a story as a blog or something. ;]